The August birthstone, steeped in Ancient Egyptian history and formed in unexpected places!
I'm sure you know someone born in August, or perhaps you were! If so, you most-likely already know of this summer stone - peridot. Question is, did you ever wonder about where it comes from, how it got here, and what it could symbolize? If so, you're in the right place. Below is the "crystals at a glace" snapshot, followed with a more in-depth look.
Want to dig even deeper into this stone's history and qualities? Keep on reading below, and feel free to share and/or drop me a comment at the bottom if you found it interesting. Enjoy!
Going back to some of our earliest civilizations, peridot has a rich history— especially in Ancient Egyptian culture. It’s believed it was first found and mined on St. John’s Island in the Red Sea (Zabargad Island) in 300 B.C, which was a well-kept secret at the time. Believed to drive away fears, nightmares, and serve as protection, it was referred to as the “gem of the sun.”

This island is geographically quite unique as it’s an uplifted part of our Earth’s mantle. Since the discovery of peridot, its supply on the island is believed to have been depleted, but this gem can now mostly be found in the USA, Pakistan, Myanmar, China, and the Himalayas.
How is it formed?
One incredible quality about peridot is the way it’s formed and how it comes to our surface. It is one of only two stones (the other being diamond) that doesn’t form in our earth’s crust, but rather under extreme pressure in molten rock of our earth’s upper mantle! This magnesium and iron rich mineral -(MgFe)2 SIO4 -known as Olivine, only comes in one color (green), though you will find various hues. You may be wondering how we get our hands on this mineral since you can’t just do a casual dig on our Earth’s surface. It actually catapults its way to our surface through volcanic lava flow, or meteorites known as pallasites! Found mostly in basalts and occasionally in comet dust and meteorites, it has both a terrestrial and extraterrestrial quality.
What does it mean?
Peridot carries with it its original association of dispelling fears, nightmares, and being a radiating light-stone, thus protecting against doubts and depression. Add to that a boost of strength, under the extreme conditions it was formed! Similarly, despite great pressure and stress, we too can become refined through the fires and even more brilliant and strong. With its green hues, there is also a connection to nature, growth, and prosperity. Furthermore, being considered a stone of compassion, it’s believed to aid in releasing stored up anger or feelings of betrayal, warding off jealousy and self-sabotage, and transforming these feelings into ones of love and compassion -- towards yourself and also in your friendships and relationships.
Chakra + Zodiac connection
Peridot is associated with your solar plexus and heart chakra. With your solar plexus connected to your personal power, and your heart chakra connected with love and compassion, it then is a crossroads where your *will* and your true heart’s *desire* meet, and can be put into action.
Zodiac signs most-strongly related with peridot: Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Gemini
Available Adornments
Who wouldn’t want a piece of this volcanic star dust fueling your fire? Here’s a beautiful new faceted cut peridot ring (bottom ring), all hand fabricated and mindfully made. Be sure to check the site for what’s currently available!

Fun Facts
- Peridot was officially deemed the August birthstone in 1912. (any other August babies here? :) and is the national stone of Egypt.
- Peridot is the 16th Anniversary gemstone
- In Hawaii, peridots are said to be the “tears of Pele” - the goddess of fire and volcanoes
- Often confused for emeralds in ancient times, historians believe Cleopatra's famous emeralds encrusting her wear were actually peridot.
- The famous "Three Magi" or "Shrine of Three Kings" reliquary treasure found in the Cologne Chapel in Germany is adorned with peridots (not emeralds as once believed)
If you've made it this far, thank you for digging into this fascinating stone with me. I hope you found it interesting, and would love to hear your comments below! Do you own any peridot? Remember if you like what you read and see here, be sure you're signed up for my VIP Cocoro Club and following on social media. Sign up on home page. I can't do it without you, so sharing with your friends is always appreciated too!
heart, mind, soul,
ox, Heather Marie
Love this!! Interested to read about my own birth month!!
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